Daily Energy Requirement Calculation Formula

There are several methods for calculating daily energy needs. Here we approximate the total daily energy requirement for a healthy male and female is based on the Harris Benedict Equation.

For Females = (655.1 + (9.563 × Weight) + (1.85 × Height) - (4.676 × Age)) × Activity × Injury

For Males = (66.5 + (13.75 × Weight) + (5.003 × Height) - (6.775 × Age)) × Activity × Injury

For example,


Weight = 60 kg,

Height = 165 cm

Age = 30 years

Activity = Out of Bed (1.3)

Injury = No Injury or surgery (1.0)


Daily energy requirement for male = 1968 KCal/day

Daily energy requirement for male = 1812 KCal/day

Note: Expect 20-30% variability between individuals.

Read also: BMI Calculation Formula

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